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Genomics Metabolics – UMR 8030

Genopole Campus 2
Building G1 – 2 rue Gaston Crémieux – CP 5706
91057 EVRY Cedex – FRANCE
Phone : +33 1 60 87 25 00
Email :

Director : SALANOUBAT Marcel
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Genoscope - CNS - Genopole's laboratory Genoscope - CNS - Genopole's laboratory

#Genomics / Postgenomics

  • Sequencing
  • Biochemistry, Biocatalysis, Bioremediation
  • Metabolism, Metabolomics
  • Comparative genomics, Functional genomics
  • Enzyme
  • Transcriptomics
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Synthetic biology
  • Metabolic engineering

Supervision :

CNRS - supervision of Genopole's laboratories

CEA - supervision of Genopole's laboratories

UEVE - supervision of Genopole's laboratories

Field of Activity

Study of the chemistry and the diversity of organisms.
Genomics of eukaryotes, prokaryotes and metagenomes.

The Metabolic Genomics Laboratory (UMR 8030) is the basic research structure of the Genoscope-National Sequencing Center (see page 25), which is fully integrated in the CEA’s François Jacob Institute of Biology.

Through our own projects or those undertaken in collaboration with national and international partners, we analyze genomes to explore the biodiversity of organisms and thus contribute significantly to a more complete understanding of life in all its complexity. New sequencing techniques have profoundly changed genomic research by making access to sequencing data commonplace and by extending sequencing knowledge to cover all biodiversity. Particularly, a flagship project, involving the sequencing bioinformatics analysis team (P. Wincker), is underway to explore the biodiversity of ocean life (Tara Oceans).

This flood of de novo sequencing data has also accelerated growth in the number of identified genes whose purpose is currently a mystery. Genoscope and UMR have thus decided to extend their biodiversity focus to the study of the chemical reactions of organisms, and structure the unit into three scientific groups:

  • group 1: exploration of the diversity of living organisms via genomic and metagenomic analyses (LAGE – P. Wincker; LABGeM – C. Médigue);
  • group 2: deepened understanding of prokaryote metabolism, notably through the discovery of chemical reactions catalyzed by living organisms. Also, the use of these chemical reactions as alternatives to synthetic chemistry or for bioremediation (LGBM – M. Salanoubat; LABGeM – C. Médigue; LBMS/LCAB – V. De Berardinis; LBMS/LCOB – A. Zaparucha; LMP – D. Le Paslier);
  • group 3: diversification of biochemistry by way of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology (LBMS/LA – M. Bouzon-Bloch; iSSB.

Beyond its interest in fundamental research, the exploration of the chemistry of life based on the discovery and use of enzymes (“white biotech”) will contribute greatly to inventing new ways of producing compounds of-interest. It also participates in the development of sustainable chemistry by contributing to the deployment of chemistry processes that require less fossil fuels, lower energy needs and reduce pollution.


    Collaborations :
    IFPEN, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, (ICCF – UMR 6296), Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, LCB AMU, (Aix-Marseille), Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Perm, Russie, Réseaux européens ERASynbio, ERASysbio, GDR BioSynSys (Biologie de synthèse et des systèmes).

    Industrial collaborations :
    –  Abolis Biotechnologies.
    – Isthmus.

  • Teams

    – Organic chemistry and biocatalysis directed by ZAPARUCHA Anne

    – Systems & Synthetic Biology (LISSB) directed by SALANOUBAT Marcel

    – Genomic analysis of eukaryotes directed by WINCKER Patrick

    – Metagenomics of prokaryotes directed by LE PASLIER Denis

    – Genomics and biochemistry of metabolism directed by SALANOUBAT Marcel

    – Cloning and screening bioconversion activities directed by DE BERARDINIS Véronique

    – Bioinformatics analyses for genomics and metabolism directed by MEDIGUE Claudine

    – Applications – Metabolic engineering directed by BOUZON-BLOCH Madeleine

    – Xenome directed by Valérie PEZO

    – SysFate directed by Marco Antonio Mendoza-Parra

Genopole’s Laboratories

#Genomics / Postgenomics

In same field

LBEPS - Laboratoire genopolitain


LBEPS is a laboratory dedicated to the physiology and biology of exercise implementing a translation strategy from the physiology of humans in motion to the study of cellular, molecular, genetic and epigenetic responses to exercise and recovery

Inserm - Logo


ART-TG is a pre-GMP stage R&D laboratory aiming to bridge a gap between research and clinical or industrial applications. It has pharmaceutical expertise for product development and product manufacturing, specifically for genomic therapy approaches.

I-Stem - laboratoire génopolitain


The institute evaluates the therapeutic potential of all types of stem cells in the setting of monogenic diseases.

Genethon Laboratory


Gene therapy for rare genetic diseases. Research, preclinical and clinical development of gene therapies for neuromuscular and other rare genetic diseases.



Research at LGRK focuses on the homeostasis, regenerative potential and radiosensitivity of human epidermal stem cells.

Integrare - Genopole's Laboratory


The Integrare research unit aims to develop effective and safe gene therapies for rare genetic diseases such as neuromuscular disorders, metabolic diseases or blood/immune disorders

Genoscope - CNS - Genopole's laboratory

Genoscope – CNS

Genomics and postgenomics of biodiversity – Metagenomics of microorganisms from the environment.

GenHotel European Research Laboratory For Rheumatoid Arthritis - Genopole's laboratory


Genomics – Genetic Statistics Research on genetic susceptibility to complex diseases through genomic analyses with a focus on rheumatoid arthritis.



Plant genomics. Detection, analysis and management of plant species polymorphism.

CNRGH / CEA / François Jacob Institut


The CNRGH is a national-level center whose mission is to provide high throughput genotyping and sequencing services with the objective of optimizing genetic and genomic research for human diseases.

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With the support from
Région île de France