
As France's leading biocluster, Genopole is an incubator for cutting-edge projects in biotechnology. Located in the city of Évry, just south of Paris, Genopole provides a unique environment for scientists and entrepreneurs seeking to advance research and innovation.

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Genopole strengthens its ties with the Research Triangle Park

#Biotechnology #International #Innovative Therapies #Bioproduction
Alexis Biton and Paul Carouen - Genopole - visiting the Research Triangle Park (USA) accompanied by 3 Genopole's companies Alexis Biton and Paul Carouen - Genopole - visiting the Research Triangle Park (USA) accompanied by 3 Genopole's companies

From Monday March 20 to Thursday March 24, Genopole’s Partnership & Business Development team visited the Research Triangle Park biopark in North Carolina to strengthen scientific and industrial collaborations.

Located between three major universities (Duke University, NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill), Research Triangle Park is the largest research park in the United States. Its 7,000 acres are home to hundreds of companies, including science and technology firms, government agencies, academic institutions, start-ups, and other nonprofit organizations.

Genopole’s Partnership & Business Development team visited the park in mid-March, as part of a ten-year partnership to open the Genopole ecosystem to the US.
Three Genopole companies took part in this trip, met with investors, companies and academics and explored innovation and business opportunities in cutting-edge biotechnology fields: Cell Environment led by Radhia M’kacher, Biomede represented by Patricia Gifu and ABCell-Bio led by Mélanie Lavergne, who comments:


We were delighted to take up the opportunity offered to us by Genopole, which is in line with our ambition to develop new international research partnerships. We discovered an extremely rich territory, with universities, major biotech companies and hospitals, and met several of the site’s players. We presented our know-how in cell production, R&D and services in cell culture that we offer to public and private research laboratories. All these meetings open great prospects for collaborations and partnerships.

Strengthening synergies with industry and academia

The Genopole team, a pioneering biocluster in the field of innovative therapies, met with the managers of the recently opened Plant Science Building dedicated to the biomanufacturing sector and its biomanufacturing center, the Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC), which trains students in industrial manufacturing processes with full-scale equipment in a controlled environment.

On the academic level, the Duke campus, one of the most selective university in the southern United States (ranked 20th in the 2021 Thes-QS World University Ranking), renowned for its cutting-edge research, opened its doors to build the first links towards future collaborations. The mission also allowed for several BtoB meetings with biotech companies located in the Research Triangle Park, who are interested in establishing contacts with France.

On the basis of the links built, the Partnership and Prospecting Department will connect with the Research Triangle Park ecosystem, other genopolitan companies with a project to develop in the United States.

Contact for your international development projects

Alexis Biton
+33 6 07 80 93 38

Paul Caroen
+33 07 60 67 69 39

Article posted on 19 April 2023


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With the support from
Région île de France