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Imaging & Cytometry Platform – OCCIGEN OCCIGEN

GIP Genopole Genopole
Campus 1 – 20, rue Henri Desbruères
91030 EVRY Cedex – FRANCE
Phone : +33 1 60 87 35 15

PICOT Julien : Responsable des Platesformes Genopole
Préparation d'échantillons sur la plateforme OCCIGEN Préparation d'échantillons sur la plateforme OCCIGEN

#Technological Platform #Cell Biology – Microscopy #Functional exploration #IT and Bioinformatics #Molecular Biology #Robotization – Automation

  • Imaging
  • Photonics
  • Cytometry
  • Cell sorting
  • Cell cloning
  • Stem cells
  • Organs
  • Small animal
  • Image analysis
  • Multiparametric analysis

AFM-Téléthon, Généthon, UEVE, CEA, Genopole, CRCT, I-Stem


CRIF – CD91 – Feder

Field of activity

Expertise and tools for molecular and physiopathological exploration, from the single cell to the entire living organism via imaging and flow cytometry techniques.

– Imaging
– Flow Cytometry
– High-speed cell sorting

The activity of this multi-site platform is organized around 3 major areas of expertise:

  • Imaging: morphometric analyses, macroscopy, confocal microscopy, spectral microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, long-term time-lapse microscopy, whole-slide imaging, morphological & functional echography.
  • Flow Cytometry: cellular and molecular analyses, spectral analyses, imaging flow cytometry.
  • High-speed cell sorting: cell sorting and cloning.


Small animal imaging

  • Microendoscope confocal fibré Cellvizio Dual Band Lab (Mauna Kea Technologies).
  • Échographe Vevo 770 (Visual Sonic).
  • IVIS Xenogen (Perkin Elmer).

Photonic imaging

  • Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X super-resolution microscope.
  • LSM880 – AiryScan (Zeiss) high-resolution spectral-imaging confocal microscope outfitted for the study of living organisms.
  • Total internal reflection florescence microscope (TIRFm) equipped for FRET microscopy.
  • Digital slide scanner AxioScan (Zeiss).
  • 3 Microvision fluorescence-mode morphometric workstations on upright/inverted microscopes.
  • IncuCyte Zoom system (Essen Bioscience), an intra-incubator time-lapse cell culture imaging system.
  • Biostation IM (Nikon).
  • Automated fluorescence video-microscope.

Flow cytometry: cell analysis and sorting (BSL2 lab environment)

  • Two ASTRIOS-EQ high-speed cell sorters (Beckman Coulter).
  • SH800 (Sony) cell sorter / cloner equipped with single-use microfluidics sorting chips.
  • SP6800 spectral analyzer (Sony).
  • ImageStreamX imaging flow cytometer (Amnis).
  • LSR II analyzer (Becton Dickinson).
  • CytoFlex analyzer (Beckman Coulter).
  • Two MACSQuant 10 (Miltenyi Biotec) analyzers.
  • C6 cytometer (BD Accuri). FC 500 MCL analyzer (Beckman Coulter).
  • Luminex BioPlex 200 cytometer (Biorad).
  • Multisizer 4 (Beckman Coulter).


Metamorph, Imaris, Fiji, ImageJ, FlowJo, Kaluza, and other software.

Genopole’s Platforms

#Cell Biology / Microscopy

In same field

CCI Essonne - Structure d'accueil Plateau technique

Technical Facility of Genopole Enterprises-Essonne CCI incubator

Support for biotech start-ups via the provision of a comprehensive range of specific services and biomedical/healthcare research equipment.

Mines Paris Tech - Evry Plateforme microscopie électronique

Electron Microscopy Platform

Platform dedicated to electron microscopy in the fields of cell and tissue biology and material physics

SABNP - Genopole's laboratory

Structural Biology Platform

The platform has the equipment, infrastructure and expertise necessary for the structural study of cells and biomolecules

Plateforme d'irradiation expérimentale - Genopole

Experimental Irradiation Platform

The platform has the equipment, infrastructure and expertise necessary for the experimental exposure (irradiation) of biological and non-biological material to radiation.

CERFE - Genopole's Platform


Experimental Functional Research Exploration Center – Cell Biology – Microscopy

Plateforme histologie - anatomocytopahologie

Anatomopathological & Histological Platform

Anatomopathological & histological Platform offers complementary technologies and competencies to cover all cytology/ histology steps, including tissue preparation (cryopreservation, paraffin/resin embedding), histological staining and immunohistochemical staining, and microscopic assessment via photonic and electronic imaging.

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With the support from
Région île de France