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Electron Microscopy Platform

Ecole des Mines de Paris Centre des Matériaux BP 87
91003 EVRY cedex FRANCE
Phone: +33 1 60 76 31 73
E-mail :

Mohamed SENNOUR: Technical Manager
Web Site (french) >
view of cell in electronic microscopy view of cell in electronic microscopy


Centre des Matériaux Pierre Marie Fourt de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris

#Technological Platform #Cell Biology – Microscopy

  • Electron microscopy
  • Imaging
  • Tomography
  • Ultramicrotomy
  • Ultrastructure
  • Cellular biology

Supervisors :

ENSMP, Mines ParisTech

Field of activity

Platform dedicated to electron microscopy in the fields of cell and tissue biology and material physics

Cell and tissue biology :

  • Ultrastructural morphology
  • Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry
  • Nanoparticles for protein targeting.

Material physics :

  • Nanomaterials and new alloys
  • Interfaces: structural, damage and properties
  • Protection of materials, multimaterials.


Transmission electron microscopy (FEI Tecnai F20)

  • Schottky field emission gun; acceleration voltage: 80–200 kV; resolution: 0.24 nm
  • specimen stage angle: ±30° (80° in nanotomographic mode)
  • Imaging in conventional and high-resolution modes with a magnification ranging from x50 to x1,000,000 (20 million on the CCD camera)
  • Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with bright-field detector (BF), annular dark field (ADF) and high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) modes
  • Local chemical analysis with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer coupled to a nanometer probe
  • Energy-filtered imaging system (GIF) coupled to an electron energy loss spectrometer (EELS).

Scanning electron microscopy (FEI Nova NanoSEM 450)

  • Schottky field emission gun; beam acceleration voltage: 50 V – 30 KV; resolutions: 1 nm at 15 kV and 1.4 nm at 1 kV. High-resolution column with sufficient current for rapid EDS mappings and EBSD analyses at low and high magnification
  • Low Vacuum” mode for the observation of non-conductive specimens
  • Secondary electron (SE) or backscatter electron (BSE) imaging studies using in-chamber or in-lens detectors with a useable magnification range from x35 to 600,000 (field width between 3.6 mm and 200 nm). Automated multi-field acquisition
  • Tunable-energy X-ray microanalysis with point, multi-point and mapping modes and qualitative and quantitative assessment
  • EBSD rapid acquisition system for crystal orientation mapping.

Samples preparation :

  • Ultramicrotomy: LEICA EMTRIM and LEICA ULTRACUTR
  • Plasma cleaner
  • Tint: Lynx and Microscopy Tissue Process
  • Sputter coater: Cressington 208HR
  • Carbon coater: Quorum Q150TE


Contact : Julien Picot
Phone: +33 1 60 87 35 15 – email:

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#Cell Biology

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With the support from
Région île de France