
As France's leading biocluster, Genopole is an incubator for cutting-edge projects in biotechnology. Located in the city of Évry, just south of Paris, Genopole provides a unique environment for scientists and entrepreneurs seeking to advance research and innovation.

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Genopole accompanies researchers, postdocs and start-up entrepreneurs through all the phases of their projects to ensure the best possible conditions for business development.

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Every day, at Genopole, researchers, entrepreneurs and students cross paths, share ideas and unite forces in a veritable melting pot for innovation.

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Giving wings to research and empowering employment in our community are cornerstones of Genopole's mission. Catch up on recent scientific advances, the accomplishments of our biotech actors and the events that enliven the biocluster.

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Media Center

Press Releases

Here you will find the press releases from Genopole and the biocluster’s actors.
Lauréats de la promo 3 du programme Gene.iO - Genopole

Gene.iO 2023 – 8 award-winning innovative biotechs

October 16, 2023 – 8 innovative biotech companies have just been selected in the 3rd promotion of Genopole's Gene.iO program: they win a year's coaching at the cutting edge of biotech expertise, to help them successfully raise their first funds or sign their first commercial agreement.

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Concours d'innovation i-Lab

Four Genopole-accompanied start-ups, laureates of the i-Lab innovation competition

Four companies affiliated with Genopole, bYoRNA, CGenetix, (health) and Fungu'it (foodtech), are bringing home i-Lab prizes attesting to the pertinence and solidity of their innovations. The i-Lab competition recognizes the most-promising deep-tech start-ups and contributes to their growth by providing up to €600,000 in financial assistance.

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L'équipe du projet européen APROVALS - Septembre 2024 - coordination Genopole

Genopole launches APROVALS, a European project for cellular agriculture

Launched in September 2024 for a period of 2.5 years and coordinated by Genopole, the APROVALS project aims to facilitate the deployment and integration of emerging technologies in the field of cellular agriculture by implementing a testing environment that serves innovators throughout the development process of their products

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Cobioe - Vignette actualités

Genopole and the COBIOE project consortium open an interconnection platform for the European biomanufacturing sector

The COBIOE project aims to build a shared and inclusive strategy for strengthening and interconnecting Europe's healthcare biomanufacturing sector. A part of the Horizon Europe program's European Innovation Ecosystems theme and coordinated by Genopole, the 24-month project is initiating the first step of its Europe-wide interconnection platform for biomanufacturing professionals.

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D4Gen Hackathon - Edition 2024 - Rendez-vous à Paris

Genopole is organizing the third edition of the D4Gen Hackathon

On 22–24 March 2024, Genopole will hold its third annual D4Gen Hackathon for innovation in life sciences. Students, researchers and start-uppers will build teams and imagine novel digital solutions to better understand the mechanisms of life and complex systems, to model them and find inspiration therein.

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Genopole announces 5 i-Lab startup winners - I-lab2023

Genopole announces 5 i-Lab startup winners

July 6, 2023 – Five biotech companies from Genopole, a biocluster dedicated to innovation for health and sustainable development, have won the i-Lab national competition run by Bpifrance and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, to support the most promising deep-tech companies in France.

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Partenaires du projet GenoTher - réponse à l'AMI Bioclusters

Genother, excellence in gene therapies, named as France 2030 biocluster

The founders of the GenoTher project: Genethon, Genopole, AP-HP, Inserm, the University of Évry-Paris Saclay, Spark Therapeutics and Yposkesi, were delighted to learn of the project's accreditation on 16 May 2023 by the French National Research Agency for the Biocluster Call for Expression of Interest, a part of the France 2030 Plan.

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Genopole inaugure un nouvel incubateur pour accélérer l’innovation biotech en cosmétique

Genopole inaugurates a new incubator to accelerate innovation in cosmetics biotech

17 April 2023 – On Tuesday, 28 March 2023, Genopole and L'Oréal Recherche & Innovation inaugurated a new biotech innovation acceleration program for green sciences

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3 laureates of the French Government's Major Challenges program

Biopharmaceuticals Major Challenge: The University of Évry and Genopole present in three of the eight laureate projects

ART-TG, CiTHERA, I-Stem and Yposkesi are contributing their expertise to three projects named on 3 February 2022 as laureates for the French Government's Major Challenges program.

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IGEM 2021 - Equipe d'Evry

IGEM 2021: Yet another Gold Medal!

19 novembre 2021 – Pour la 5ème année consécutive, l’équipe d’Évry décroche une médaille d’or au célèbre concours international en biologie de synthèse iGEM, grâce à son projet « Evolution T7 » reposant sur l’évolution génétique dirigée et ouvrant un vaste champ d’applications.

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Algentech: High-Yield Molecular Farming Of Industrial Ingredients In Plant Chloroplasts

22 juin 2021 – Algentech, a Genopole-accredited French company, has achieved a world's first with its disruptive technology . The company's patented method enables the production of proteins and nucleic acids in plant chloroplasts.

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Eu|bic certification

Genopole earns EU|BIC certification

5 décembre 2020 The European Commission's European Business Network (EBN) voted unanimously to certify Genopole as a European Union | Business and Innovation Center (EU|BIC), thus recognizing France's leading biocluster as a key contributor to R&D and Innovation in Genomics in France and Europe.

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Covid illustration CP

Enalees announces clinical trial for a COVID-19 test

16 septembre 2020 – C4Diagnostics, Bertin Technologies and Enalees announced the launch of a prospective clinical trial for BEC-SARS-CoV-2 for humans, a rapid, point-of-care diagnostic for COVID-19.

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Rapport Activité 2019

Ÿnsect obtains market approval for an insect-based fertilizer

17 juin 2020 – Ÿnsect has just gained approval for its natural insect fertilizer “ŸnFrass” issued by ANSES, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety. Ÿnsect thus becomes the first company in the world to obtain certification and marketing approval for a natural insect-based fertilizer.

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Pharnext - Prescribed Drugs

Pharnext – A novel strategy to rapidly reposition drugs using existing COVID-19 clinical data

23 mars 2020 – Pharnext annonce l’identification de 97 médicaments fréquemment prescrits, au moyen de sa plateforme de Pleotherapy, comme candidats potentiels au repositionnement dans le traitement du COVID-19.

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With the support from
Région île de France