
As France's leading biocluster, Genopole is an incubator for cutting-edge projects in biotechnology. Located in the city of Évry, just south of Paris, Genopole provides a unique environment for scientists and entrepreneurs seeking to advance research and innovation.

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Masters 2 Grants: Supporting research-based training

Discover also: ATIGE Program APOGEEBIO Program Bourse de Mobilité Internationale

sampling study - Histology Anatomocytopathology Genopole platform sampling study - Histology Anatomocytopathology Genopole platform

GGenopole funds Masters 2 research internships for the biocluster’s laboratories or businesses.

Are you eligible? Apply for the program!

  • Do you head a research team or business at Genopole?
  • Are you developing a research project appropriate for a student internship in one of Genopole’s domains of interest, particularly genomics, but also innovative therapies, synthetic biology, bioinformatics, etc?

The Masters 2 Grants: a financial helping hand for exploratory projects

  • €3,500 in indemnities over six months for a Masters 2 student with at least a cum laude (French “assez bien”) mention for their Masters 1.
  • An opportunity to explore novel research orientations in your lab or company and valuable training for interns.

The advantages of the Genopole environment for the interns

And after?

  • Genopole’s objective: actively support the development of your research themes and sustainably attract new competencies to the biocluster.
  • Genopole’s desire: bring in students for hands-on learning via research and even have them continue with their thesis in your team or start their careers in a Genopole laboratory or business.

The program in a nutshell

  • A yearly call for candidates by Genopole on its dedicated platform.
  • Candidacies are selected based on the scientific quality of the project.

If you have any further questions: contact Program Manager Roxane

With the support from
Région île de France