
As France's leading biocluster, Genopole is an incubator for cutting-edge projects in biotechnology. Located in the city of Évry, just south of Paris, Genopole provides a unique environment for scientists and entrepreneurs seeking to advance research and innovation.

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Genopole accompanies researchers, postdocs and start-up entrepreneurs through all the phases of their projects to ensure the best possible conditions for business development.

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Every day, at Genopole, researchers, entrepreneurs and students cross paths, share ideas and unite forces in a veritable melting pot for innovation.

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Giving wings to research and empowering employment in our community are cornerstones of Genopole's mission. Catch up on recent scientific advances, the accomplishments of our biotech actors and the events that enliven the biocluster.

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D4Gen Hackathon

D4Gen: 48 hours to find useful digital solutions for life sciences!

Discover also: Shaker Program Gene.iO Program ATIGE Program APOGEEBIO Program Call for Innovative Ideas

  • 48 hours of challenges
  • First prize: €10,000
  • Talent born of excellence in digital and bioinformatics training
  • Cutting-edge research subjects
  • High innovation and valorization potential

Held once yearly for researchers, students and entrepreneurs, the D4Gen challenge aims to energize innovation.

Construct the future of innovation! 

Every year, the D4Gen hackathon brings together a number of teams all seeking to discover new ways of using the power of artificial intelligence to resolve medical and environmental challenges.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing healthcare by demonstrating its applicability in, for example, the optimization of patient planning, the automation of manual tasks, the examination of medical files, the analysis of x-rays, the detection of prescription errors, and yes, even the establishment of diagnoses!

Moreover, AI is furnishing new ways of addressing the sustainable development issues all of humanity is facing today.

AI modeling empowers scenario simulation, environment previsualization, risk anticipation, and crisis prevention & response. Notably, it enables a better understanding of the complex factors underlying a given situation and the identification of the levers available to resolve it.

And it’s just getting started! Although AI is clearly a boon for innovation, there remain numerous challenges to overcome for its deployment and regulation.

Are you up to the challenge of surmounting obstacles and advancing healthcare and a healthier environment?

Join us then for the next edition of D4Gen to collectively invent new problem-solving concepts or prototypes!

Submit Your Application

Four ways to participate in this year’s D4Gen hackathon

  1. Propose a challenge that you want to take on and create a team of new recruits that you’ll lead during the competition.
  2. Join a team focused on a challenge that is important to you, thus lending your competencies to the conceptualization and finalization of a pertinent solution.
  3. Become a mentor and contribute to innovation by offering a few hours of your know-how to the teams.
  4. Become an event sponsor and thus accompany innovation experts and future talents on a path to better healthcare and a more sustainable environment.

Save the date: the next D4Gen hackathon will be held 22-24 March 2024.

Put it in your agenda today!

Submit Your Application

The D4Gen Hackathon is an opportunity to

  • evolve in a fertile environment for creativity,
  • network and gain new competencies and skill-sets,
  • have access to advanced digital services,
  • gain visibility,
  • benefit from Genopole support before, during and after the event.

GIP Genopole maintains its engagement with challenge providers beyond the two-day event.

Genopole provides support for the implementation, valorization and transfer of technologies by providing a wide range of research support programs, a partnering network, shared-use state-of-the-art technological platforms and expertise & accompaniment in business creation.

D4Gen in a nutshell

  • 22 submitted projects
  • 15 retained projects
  • 6 financed and supported laureates
  • Strong student participation (12 Grandes Écoles/universities)
  • Renowned research structures (Genoscope, IBISC, Genethon, Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie and more)

Deliverables and evaluation criteria


The major phases of the D4Gen hackathon:

Phase #1 – Call for candidates – Identification and constitution of teams

Identification and selection of challenge proposers
Deadline 12 March 2024
Submit Your Application >>>

Phase #2 – The D4Gen event

All teams united at a single premises for 48 hours non-stop
From 22 to 24 March 2024

Phase #3 – Laureate selection

The Jury will name the laureates in the afternoon of 24 March 2024

If you wish to participate by proposing a challenge, submit your application at Phase 1 and begin recruiting your team members via our platform.

If you wish to join a team, look over the challenges and present your candidacy to the teams that interest you. Use the platform’s integrated messaging to exchange with your future teammates.

If you wish to participate as a mentor and/or sponsor, please send an e-mail to

Join the D4Gen community

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With the support from
Région île de France