
As France's leading biocluster, Genopole is an incubator for cutting-edge projects in biotechnology. Located in the city of Évry, just south of Paris, Genopole provides a unique environment for scientists and entrepreneurs seeking to advance research and innovation.

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Genopole accompanies researchers, postdocs and start-up entrepreneurs through all the phases of their projects to ensure the best possible conditions for business development.

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Genopole’s citizens

Every day, at Genopole, researchers, entrepreneurs and students cross paths, share ideas and unite forces in a veritable melting pot for innovation.

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Giving wings to research and empowering employment in our community are cornerstones of Genopole's mission. Catch up on recent scientific advances, the accomplishments of our biotech actors and the events that enliven the biocluster.

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May 4, 2022 at 10:00

Webinar GEN.ERA "Genomic Market Analysis" @ Singapour

Genopole invites you to the GEN.ERA  webinar on the business challenges and opportunities in biotechnology and healthcare in Singapore.

This coaching session will provide you with essential key information, from a clear business perspective, to prepare you for a soft landing in the Singapore market.
The webinars will be interactive and will focus primarily on the commercial potential of the genomics field and will cover the following:

1. Cultural/Economic Aspects
2. Regulations as applied to genomics and secondary use of health data
3. Brief overview of health care reimbursement system(s)
4. Competitive Analysis
5. End consumer analysis
6. Preparation for soft landing and introduction to local service providers and networks related to the business.

Speakers : Molshree Pandey & John McKendry

  • En savoir plus sur GEN.ERA

    diGital gENomic alliance to Explore new maRket for Acceleration

    GEN.ERA is a project where five EU life Sciences clusters and agency partners join and share their international competences and know-how to improve the scale-up of European companies (Start-ups and SMEs) involved in the genomics value chain apply to healthcare, by a facilitated and successful collective access to a targeted global market.

    Five EU life Sciences clusters : Genopole, Campania Bioscience, Oost NL, Tartu Biotechnology Park, HealthTurku

    Les 5 bioclusters associés dans le projet GEN.ERA

    GEN.ERA - International Strategy

With the support from
Région île de France